Fracture Analysis


Fracture Analysis

Understanding the characteristics of fractures plays a pivotal role in revealing key insights into reservoir behavior and performance.
In horizontal wells, fractures can significantly impact production rates and reservoir drainage. By analyzing fracture patterns and properties, we can optimize well placement and completion strategies, maximizing recovery and minimizing operational risks.

Vertical wells also benefit immensely from fracture analysis. Identifying and characterizing fractures can aid in reservoir characterization, helping engineers make informed decisions regarding stimulation techniques and production enhancement strategies.
We understand the significant impact of fracture analysis on well performance and project economics. We help our clients navigate fracture evaluation complexities using advanced methodologies and cutting-edge technology.


MicroCT, or micro-computed tomography, is a powerful tool for fracture analysis in well evaluation. By providing high-resolution 3D images of rock samples, MicroCT enables precise characterization of fracture networks, including their geometry, connectivity, and porosity distribution.

This information aids in understanding fluid flow behavior, fracture propagation mechanisms, and reservoir connectivity, ultimately facilitating informed decision-making in well design and optimization processes.

Micro Scale
Macro Scale

The fracturing patterns observed on a microscopic scale serve as valuable indicators of how rock fractures on a macro scale. By analyzing micro-scale fractures, such as microfractures and grain boundaries, we can infer the larger-scale fracture network’s characteristics, including orientation, density, and connectivity. This insight aids in predicting overall reservoir behavior, optimizing well placement, and enhancing recovery strategies in oil and gas operations.

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